Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Explore multiple approaches to dismantling the School-to-Prison pipeline as we collectively envision a hopeful future.

By BELONG Partners

Date and time

Sunday, October 29, 2023 · 7 - 9pm PDT



About this event

Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Join BELONG Partners and community organizations the Multifaith Coalition for Restorative Justice, Center for Children and Youth Justice, The Breakfast Group, The Black Prisoners Caucus Community Group, and AHSHAY of UW Medicine for this collaborative online event. We will explore and discuss ways for communities to unite and truly breakdown the oppressive systems that lead to youth incarceration.

You will learn from the perspective of people impacted by the system and explore multiple approaches to the challenge of changing the system as we collectively envision a hopeful future.

Join us for an interactive online conversation -

  • to learn
  • to be in community
  • to understand the impact of the school-to-prison pipeline
  • to explore - big picture ways that schools can change, practical tools each individual can apply to move forward, proactive solutions that can have a positive impact in your community.

This event will bring together educators, activists, and community organization members to discuss strategies and solutions.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and be part of the movement for change.

Register now to secure your spot!

Organized by

Website: https://belongpartners.org

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